This week I was humbled.
Even as I type this, I'm realizing more and more that I am constantly humbled.
I went to work out with a good friend of mine, Wes Rose, at his place and try out this P90X. Now, I have never been a work out freak or anything, but I've always though that I was in alright shape. After all I do parkour, occasionally surf, work out, and I think of myself as a fairly active guy. Going into this hour long work out I knew it would be hard, but I thought I could get through it.
I could not. I failed... Bad. Out of an hour I could only manage close to 35 minutes of this rigorous work out. 2 days later, I'm still sore! You know who didn't fail bad? My man, Wes Rose! I have a feeling that he quit early so he wouldn't show me up. He was in good form and keeping up better than me most of this work out. Honestly, I didn't expect that. It was really humbling to see a guy that I've known for a while, and always thought I was in better shape than, (no offense Wes if you end up reading this!) to show me up.
Moral of this... I realize now that I haven't been quite as active and up to par as I'd like to think. Now I'm aware of it and can work harder to really get in shape.
That was just a single humbling moment out of the constant humbling that I receive.
I've been reading the Bible with this year long Bible plan and have noticed a trending topic through out Genesis and Matthew. God and Jesus just straight up humble all these people! I think out of everything in the Bible, the most humbling thing is that God and Jesus show us just how screwed up as humans we are. He calls us out on everything, and through out it all, He still loves us. He hates the evil in us, but He loves us.
"And Abram believed the LORD, and the LORD counted him as righteous because of his faith." Genesis 15:6 NLT
If you have read the story of Abraham (formerly known as Abram) then you would know that he screwed up multiple times, even doing the exact same thing. He wasn't counted as righteous because of his accumulated actions, but because of his faith. That's humbling to me. God was willing to overlook Abraham's screw ups. We can barely overlook our friends and rarely our enemies screw ups. God Almighty, (I love the Hebrew, El-Shaddai) who is completely perfect, humbles us by giving the example on how we should forgive, even before He sends His only Son to forgive us of our sins!
"If you are kind only to your friends, how are you different from anyone else? Even pagans do that." Matthew 5:47 NLT
This is Jesus talking. Here He calls out a whole LARGE group of people, and I believe, speaks through time, through the Bible, to everyone that ever reads His words. He calls all of us out, specifically on how we act towards others in this passage, but in all parts of our lives in the rest of His teachings.
If it isn't humbling for Jesus, our Savior, the One who took on ALL of our sins so we could be made righteous through Him, to call us out on how we act, then I don't know what is.
Now to tie it all together.
I was made aware that I need to work out more by a friend who humbled me.
God is the greatest friend I could ever have (if I could even place Him in a title so small) and He humbles me constantly as I read through the Bible. He makes me aware of the sin that I was once a part of, the temptation in my life, the weak areas that I still struggle with, and has humbled me by still blessing my life and loving me. I need to try harder all the time to live for and love Him, and He still loves me. It makes His love so much more important to me.
I was humbled this week.
Seeds of the Soul
9 years ago
COMMENTARY: I had so much more I could have said on this, but I realized as I added more and more to the different parts of this that it began to sound like a ramble. I also know that my punctuation is horrible so please bear with me, and feel free to correct me if you must.
ReplyDeleteI must thank anyone that managed to read through all of this, and I would GREATLY appreciate any feedback. :D